Materiaalia ja artikkeleja eläinten käyttäytymisestä
— Aarne Hagman (@Akentti) November 20, 2020
Some animals change their appearance in the blink of an eye. Others develop characteristics over millions of years. Can you beat this amazing animal quiz? 🤯
— BBC Earth (@BBCEarth) September 8, 2020
In a technique known as ’bubble-net feeding’, humpback whales swim in an upwards spiral and blow vertical columns of bubbles to herd their prey. #SevenWorldsOnePlanet
— BBC Earth (@BBCEarth) August 14, 2020
Here we have Walt and Bertha — they are devouring their fallen sibling. The two young larvae feel no shame in committing acts of #cannibalism, as it is essential to their survival.
🔬 by Martin Kaae Kristiansen (@MyMicroscopic)#MicroscopicMonday 🧫#Science 🥼
— Science Channel (@ScienceChannel) October 28, 2019